NDR Core

Welcome to NDR Core, an initiative by the Institute for European Global Studies (EIB) at the University of Basel, designed to enhance research data presentation. It is maintained by RISE, the Research and Infrastructure Support Entity for the Humanities.

NDR Core is a data presentation system. It easily lets you build a website with search forms to query your data and to present it in an accessible and simple way. It can help you during your research process by presenting you source imagery alongside extracted data and make digital humanities projects more productive. NDR Core lets you create and edit pages and contextualize your data. It has widgets to present source viewers, slideshows or similar web site elements. The site you're on (ncdcore.org) is itself an NDR Core installation.

NDR Core accesses your data via an API and presents it. The API needs to be implemented in NDR Core and your data must be accessible online (or locally on your server). If your long term storage system does not provide an API for your data, you can also dump it in a mongodb and access it from there.